Rabu, 14 November 2012

example of dialogue pain, pleasure, and relief

Fadil and Ayin are quarrelling in the park. They want to break up.
Fadil : hi babe... why didn’t you replay my message last night?
Ayin : message? What message? I didn’t get your message.
Fadil : ohh..come on.. don’t pretend! Or were you busy with another boy?
Ayin : no, of course not. Oh..honey, you hurt me so much! I never go with another boy!
Fadil : come on, admit it!
Ayin : what must i admit if i did nothing?
                Meanwhile, sari is peeping and overhearing their conversation.
Sari : hahaha.. that couple is quarreelling. I’m so relieved to hear that! Come on, fadil break her up! I’m glad that their relationship will be over!
                Then suddenly dessy and bella come.
Dessy : hey hey.. what’s up?
Bella : don’t fight, that not good!
Dessy : bella is right, let’s solve the problem calmly.
Bella : yes, that’s true. You still love each other, don’t you?
Fadil : actually, yes.
Dessy : how about you, ayin?
Ayin : me too...
Bella : oh that’s so sweet.
Fadil & ayin : we will still love each other.
Dessy : great! It’s good news!
Bella : yeah, this is wonderful!
                So fadil and ayin went together. Then dessy and bella heard someone crying.
Sari : oh, no! This is very painful! I can’t stand it!
Dessy : hey, that is sari? What’s wrong with you, sari?
Sari : huhuhu.. i like fadil so much and i really hope that they will break up!
Bella : oww... that’s not good, sari. Fadil and ayin still love each other.
Dessy : but don’t worry honey. There are still many boys in the world!
Bella : yeah.. it’s not the end of the world. There is still wahyu who likes you just the way you are.
Sari : really? Okay wahyu I’m coming!
Dessy : ohh.. what a realief! It’s good for you, sari.
Bella : you’re right. I can’t say how pleased I am.

puisi dia

gadis manis yang selalu tersenyum..
gadis lucu yang sangat pemalu..
gadis periang yang sangat unik

banyak yang bilang dia sombong angkuh padahal sebenarnya ia orang yang sangat pemalu..
banyak yang bilang dia ketus padahal sebenarnya itulah logat bicaranya
banyak yang bilang dia egois padahal sebenarnya dia hanya sedikit keras kepala (loh? sama aja)

cewek tomboy yang mengaku feminim..
cewek pecicilan yang mengaku pendiam..
cewek lemah yang mengaku kuat

dia selalu panik di setiap keadaan..
tak pernah diam dan hanya ingin bicara..
teriak adalah salah satu hobbynya..
tak punya bakat apa-apa dan hanya bisa marah-marah..
hahaha.. itulah dia..
dia yang ku kenal dan sangat aku kenal..

dia frontal dan naif..
dia tidak munafik
dan dia apa adanya..

dia pernah mencoba jadi orang lain..
tetapi tak bertahan lama karna dia lelah..

dia lelah menjadi gadis pendiam..
dia lelah menjadi gadis lembut..
dia lelah menjadi orang lain..

dan dia adalah aku.