Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

naskah drama tentang memuji, terimakasih, membuat janji, membatalkan janji, selamat..


In senior high school `tefuyak’ , there is a smart girl and she also has a best friend . one day the smart girl won  a champion in 02SN competition. and her friends and her class mate congratulated  her.

Katarina : what a smart girl ! congratulation for you, nur.
Nurasia : it’s nice of you . thanks a lot .

And then dessy and mia come to the place .
success, nur
Dessy : waw … amazing !! you can get a champion again .
Mia : smart girl !! can not lose it!
Katarina : hmm , just say you are jealous
Mia & dessy : what ? jealous ??
Dessy : every body has a talent , you know . and I have it . so why  must I get jealous ??
Mia : yeah dessy , I agree with you . and you katarina , you only make a chaos .
Katarina : who made a chaos ? I only said what I want to say .
Nur : stop … stop …
Mia : hei katarina  , look at yours . what is your talent ?
Dessy :  hahahaa , katarina only becomes parasite of nur. look at us! I always become the winner of basket competition
Mia : and I always follow marching band competition .
Dessy & mia : and you ??

(katarina is silent)

Nur : hey all , don’t angry. would you like to go to  restaurant tonight ? I want to have dinner with all of you.
Dessy  , Mia , Katarina : dinner ?
Nur : nah that's it
Dessy :  huh ,  I want  to quarrel with katarina
Nur : dessy stop please..so, will you?
Mia : of course!! And you dessy?
Dessy : yayaya… when?
Katarina : eh nur , why do you invite them  ?? I don’t like them.
Nur : Nevermind katarina, They are my friends too.
Dessy : nur , when will we have dinner ?
Nur : tonight dessy! so ??
Dessy : ummm , I’m sorry nur , I cant because I must do my homework
Mia : hmm , if dessy can’t have  dinner , so me too
Nurasia : oh yeah , nevermind  . maybe we can plan it next week.
Mia : I agree with you.
Dessy : me too..

Suddenly meldi come  to the class

Katarina : friends, look at that ! he is meldi , right?
Nur : meldi … come here !
Meldi : me ? oh .. okey .
Katarina : hi mel . why don’t you give congratulation for nur ?
Meldi : for what? oh no I’m forget,  I’m sorry . congratulation nur!
Nur : thank a million Mel!
Dessy : look at meldi , he is very very stupid and ugly boy . haha..
Mia : hahaha … that’s right  , iewww . and moreover you are very very dirty boy  .
Katarina : stop … dessy , mia!! can you stop insulting  meldi ?
Dessy : upps sorry .. hahaha . meldi I’m so sorry .
Mia : hey Katarina , I know . you are in love with him , aren’t you ?
Katarina : that is not true , we friend!!
Mia : really? hmm but .. if I  guess you and meldi are completely match. haahaha ..
Dessy : I think so . the stupid boy and the ugly girl .
Mia : hahaha…dessy , let’s go to the canteen, it so bored around them.
Dessy : ohhh my dear, I agree with you. So let’s go!! Byee..nurr…

After the class dismiss , dessy and mia are going to canteen. but nur , Katarina , and Meldi are still in the class .

Meldi : hey nur , you know , I’m very jealous with your intelegency.
Nur : really ?
Meldi : I’m serious !! but .. I don’t know how
Nur : it is easy guys , you only need to study hard and pray .
Meldi : emm .. ok , by the way are you busy today ?
Katarina : Yes!
Meldi : how about you nur?
Nur : not so so, why?
Meldi : how if we play `Rummy’ for refreshing our mind ?
Nur : hah .. rummy ? it’s gambling you know !
Meldi : it’s ok , it’s fun, come on friends , just once …
Katarina : not so bad , emm okey. what about you, nur ?
Nur : emm , no..!! no..no..no!!! I don’t like it!
Katarina : come on nur . only once .
Nur : okey , but .. only this time. promise me ?
Meldi & Katarina : deal we promise you!
Meldi : where will we play rummy ?
Katarina : in our class ?
Nur : okey .. when will we play this game ?
Meldi : tomorrow ?
Katarina : oke !! tomorrow ?? deal ?
Meldi : deal .. how about you nur ?
Nur : oke !! deal ..

At the next time nur, Katarina and meldi meet again.

 Nur : oh I’m so sorry , today we and my family want to my grandma’s house . I’m sorry, I cancel the appointment.
Meldi : yah .. so how if we play this game two days later ?  can you ?
Katarina : oke , two days later we can play this game at our class
after class over.
Nur : oke !!

Two days later , at the mall dessy and mia are shopping .

Mia : dessy , what do you want to buy here ?
Dessy : maybe clothes , dress , or shoes and more .. and  you ?
Mia : I don’t know , maybe I will buy some accessories
Dessy : it’s up to you dear !
Mia : hey , look!! .. this purple headband is very cute . I want  to buy it.
Dessy : not so so , this is more beautiful .
Mia  : huh , is up to you !  oh my god , where is my purse ?
Dessy : maybe in your bag ?
Mia : oh no , maybe my purse is left behind our class .
Dessy  : are you serious ?
Mia : I’m really really serious , lets go back to the class .
Dessy : oke !!! hurry up !!

In class X.F , Meldi, Katarina , and nur are playing the rummy

Meldi : hey !! where is your money ? ahh , maybe you don’t have money !!
Nurasia : hah ? do you think that I’m so poor ? I’m very rich , you know !!
Meldi : so , take your money on the table .(plaak )
Meldi : let’s start . but what is the mode that we play ?
Katarina : hah !! jendral ??
Meldi : it doesn’t matter .
Nur : what ? jendral ? I don’t know !
Meldi : it is easy . just follow this game . okey .
Nur : okey

the rummy is distributed by meldi

Katarina : oh no , my card is bad .
Nur : mine too
Meldi : ( looking at his rummy ) hahaha mine it’s excellent.

Behind X.F dessy and mia are searching for mia’s purse..

Mia : where is my purse ?
Desy : I don’t know .
Mia : actually I don’t think about  the money in the purse but I think about something special in it.
Dessy :  okey okey!! Hey mia is it your purse?
Mia : oh dessy … you are my angel . thank you so much.
Dessy : take it easy . mia , do you hear something ?
Mia :  heh ? yes .
Dessy : maybe it’s a ghost’s voice ?
Mia : impossible !! so let’s go in to the class

Dessy and mia in to the class X.F and actually there was something that surprised them.

Dessy and mia : oh my good !!
Dessy : mia !! pinch me please!!
Mia : yeah .. we are not dreaming dessy !! it’s real !!
Dessy : unbelieveble!!
Meldi : hi dessy , hi mia ! will you join us ? the winner will have a date with me for one year .
Katarina : come on mel , we must explain to dessy and mia .
Nur : Katarina is right , don’t be misunderstanding ! we just played.
Dessy : but you’re gambling ! look at the money !
Mia : yeah , what’s the money for ?
Meldi : it’s imitations money, girls . look at this !

meldi show them the money , it has picture of toys

Dessy : really ? is it imitations money ?
Mia ; I think so, des .. sorry for this misunderstanding , friends!
Meldi : hmm..let’s play the game.
Dessy and mia : play it?
Dessy : that’s good idea! Mia let’s check it out!!

Finally this game got nothing as the winner.

Katarina : yahh..nobody get your reward ??
Meldi : hey look at that!! (taking the money in the table and go out)
Dessy and mia : hey you!! Wait!!
nur: don’t go out!!

Mia, dessy, Katarina and nurasia are ran to chase meldi and hit him. And the dialogue is end.

The end


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